
How do I apply for a place at Knutton St Mary’s CofE Academy?

If your child’s 5th birthday is between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024 then you will need to apply for a Reception Class Place for September 2023.

Knutton St Mary’s CE Academy has 30 places for September 2023.

How do I apply for a place at Knutton St Mary’s Academy?

 The quickest and easiest way is to apply online to the Local Authority where you pay your council tax. If you are unsure then you can check at by entering your post code

For parents living in Staffordshire and paying council tax to a Staffordshire borough (moorlands, Stafford borough etc):

The online service opens on November 2022 for applications. The closing date for applications in January 2023.

The website for applications to Staffordshire County Council is:

 The Annual National offer date for all reception places is April. If you have applied online you will receive your school place offer by e mail on offer day.

Important points to consider…

Admissions strongly advise you to make more than one preference.  You will not gain an advantage by only listing one.

  • Do not list the same school 3 times.
  • Admissions consider all applications at the same time.  Priority is not given to those who put the school as a first preference, or on a ‘first come first served’ basis.
  • If you miss the deadline, contact your relevant Local Authority admissions team to make a late application as soon as possible.
  • Last year 93% of Staffordshire children received an offer of their first preference school and 98% got one of their top 3.
  • Even if you have an older sibling at the school you must apply for the younger one.

​In consultation with the school governors, the Local Authority determines the number of pupils that may be admitted to a school in each year: this is generally referred to as the school’s published admission number (PAN).

If the number of pupils seeking admission exceeds the number of available places, the following order of priority will apply: –


  • Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).
  • Children who satisfy both of the following tests:


Test 1:  the child is distinguished from the great majority of other applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other exceptional circumstances.


Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s health to attend the Academy rather than any other school.


Exceptional circumstances must relate to the Academy and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the Academy rather than any other school.




Test 2:  the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend the Academy.


Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.


  • Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the Academy and who will still be attending the school at the proposed admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners.)


  • Children living within the catchment area of the Academy.


Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school, determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.


In Year admissions


In Year Application Form


Knutton St Marys has 30 places for September 2023.


Contact Us

If you would like to arrange a visit to our school please email:-


To apply to join our school, click here

Staffordshire Schools Admission Information

DfE School Admission Code
DfE School Admission Appeal Code
2023-24 Admission Arrangements

2024-25 Admission Arrangements

2025-26 Admission Arrangements