Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development

At Knutton, St. Mary’s we actively promote the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding to enable them to thrive in a supportive, highly cohesive learning community.

As a school, our motto is ‘Together we Succeed and Shine’ as we recognise the importance of each child and their contribution to our school community.

SMSC is defined as:

Spiritual Development:

  • Pupils develop their own personality and have respect for different people’s feelings and values.
  • Pupils use imagination and creativity in their learning, and are able to reflect on their experiences.

Evidence of this learning can be seen through the following:

  • In every lesson, where the children are given the opportunity to reflect upon their learning when; reviewing success criteria, reviewing the work which they have produced and when completing their corrections.
  • When working collaboratively.
  • When using their reasoning skills to approach a question or problem creatively.
  • Through celebration assemblies, and rewards given each day in class where children are valued for their individual talents and personalities.
  • Providing children with the opportunity to learn about different religions through our RE curriculum so that they gain an understanding of spirituality.
  • Providing children with the opportunity to reflect during collective worship.
  • Providing spiritual opportunities in the enquiry based approach to the RE curriculum.

Moral Development:

  • Pupils recognise the difference between right and wrong.
  • Pupils understand society’s values.
  • Pupils develop their understanding of the consequences of their actions which will then encourage them to make reasoned decisions.

Evidence of this learning can be seen through the following:

  • Visitors to the school such as: representatives from local churches, the police and fire brigade and local MPs.
  • Through our E-Safety curriculum, which teaches digital resilience and the management of risk online.
  • Through our Behaviour Policy which allows children to consider their choices and actions, reflecting upon the impact to themselves personally and to others.
  • Children take ownership of their classroom charters, recognising the environment which needs to be created to allow themselves to learn and feel safe.
  • Providing children with the opportunity to learn about society and the rules which govern it through our RE and PSHE curriculum.
  • The use of the home-school agreement.
  • Children are involved with committing to following the rules of the acceptable user policy.
  • The use of circle time to explore issues within the classroom or school environment.
  • By encouraging children to be ambassadors of our school values when they are undertaking school trips or involved in community events.
  • Providing moral opportunities in the enquiry based approach to the RE curriculum.

Social Development:

  • Pupils to work collaboratively with each other and participate successfully in the community as a whole.
  • Pupils should have a willingness to develop skills that are necessary to be able to resolve conflicts and to create successful relationships.

Evidence of this learning can be seen through the following:

  • Through the participation in a variety of sporting and social events where the children have to mix with pupils from a range of backgrounds.
  • By taking children in Key Stage 2 on a residential visit, where they have to work collaboratively and mix with pupils from other schools.
  • Regular fundraising for local and global charities.
  • Through the use of talk partners in each lesson.
  • Flexible use of additional adults to provide guidance and support where necessary.
  • The use of collaborative learning to enable pupils to respect and tolerate others.

Cultural Development:

•    Pupils should develop an understanding of their own culture and beliefs.
•    They have an appreciation of diversity within their own school.
•    They show an awareness of British values and encouraged to take pride in their heritage.
•    Pupils will explore and appreciate cultures and religions from around the world.
•    Pupils have an understanding and respect for cultural diversity and reflect this in their attitudes and behaviours.

Evidence of this learning can be seen through the following:

  • The use of Literacy texts from different cultures, countries and religions.
  • Exploring countries from around the world in topic.
  • Sharing and celebrating pupils’ diverse backgrounds through topics.
  • Worship which reflects various religious celebrations and traditions from around the world.
  • Developing children’s knowledge of the diversity found within British society though worship and the curriculum.
  • Participating in community events such as the Remembrance Day at the war memorial, visits to Mill Rise and planting flowers in the community.
  • Adopting strong links with St Mary’s church, Elim church, Mill Rise and other community groups.
  • Providing spiritual opportunities in the enquiry based approach to the RE curriculum.