
“Good Mathematics is not about how many answers you know………’s about how you behave when you don’t know.”




At Knutton St Mary’s CE Academy, we believe that mathematics is essential to everyday life. Teaching our pupils mathematics equips them with a powerful set of tools with which to understand and contribute to their world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways. We aim for our children to thrive as successful, independent learners. We share Willingham’s belief that ‘whatever students think about is what they will remember…memory is the residue of thought. ’

Our mathematics curriculum is research informed; values and creates opportunities for children to think and develop their deep conceptual understanding; encourages observant learning, pattern spotting and generalising about the rules of the maths they are learning.



We want pupils to develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs.

Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as a Mathematician:

      • Accountant
      • Investment Banker
      • Meteorologist
      • Software Engineer
      • Data Analyst
      • Data Scientist

For more careers, please visit First Careers.



Support for parents can be found by visiting Stoke Maths here


We have recently adopted the White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning. The principles of mastery underpin this scheme and our teaching. A whole class teaching approach is adopted, keeping the class working together and giving all pupils the chance to work on fluency, reasoning and problem-solving tasks.

Support for all learners is achieved through various forms of scaffolding. This may include but is not limited to; the degree of adult support provided, asking enabling and extending questions and the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources. Pupils who are struggling to grasp a concept or procedure are identified quickly and intervention (either same day, or longer-term support) is put in place, ensuring they are ready to move forward with the rest of the class. At the same time, our curriculum provides opportunities for all pupils to revisit and reinforce learning,including key concepts from previous topics and year groups, to help them truly develop their understanding and mastery of the mathematics.


Children will achieve age related expectations, or make at least expected progress in mathematics at the end of their cohort year.

Children will develop a love of mathematics.

Children will have a sound understanding facts, procedures and problem solving.

Children will develop skills that are relevant in a real life context.

Children will talk about their mathematics confidently and clearly.