
Class Teacher

Mrs P. Goodwin

Classroom Assistant

Miss C. Mason

In reception, we are passionate about providing high quality early education that gives children a strong foundation for future learning.
We love to play, explore, and become curious learners. We enjoy hands on learning and real-life experiences.


Our experienced, skilled team of teachers and early years educators ensure children have an excellent start to their education providing
children with rich learning opportunities. Each day offers new and exciting opportunities for our children to learn, investigate, try new
things and develop; all skills to make the children confident and determined learners.
Teaching at Knutton St. Mary’s is based on sound knowledge and
understanding of the UK ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’
This concentrates on 7 areas of learning that are equally vital to
children’s development.



The prime areas of learning are:
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The specific areas of learning are:
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design
Children in reception will participate in daily Phonics, Mathematics, Writing, story time and snack time
In addition, children in reception will have weekly lessons based around Science, Art/ DT, History or Geography, Music and P.E.

Reception Baseline Assessment

Oral Health

Tooth decay is largely preventable, but it’s still a serious problem among young children, effecting around a quarter (25%) of 5 year olds!
Children who have toothache, or need treatment, may have pain or infections. This can have a wider effect and lead to problems eating,
sleeping, socialising and learning. Tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures for children under 6 in hospital.
In reception, children will take part in the NHS brushing teeth programme. This programme provides each child with the correct sized
toothbrush and toothpaste. Using a 2 minute timer, children are shown and encouraged to brush their teeth correctly.