Art & Design

“Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else”

Sydney Gurewitz Clemens


Here at Knutton St Mary’s C of E we aim to offer a full and enriching curriculum for all students. When teaching our wider school subjects, we tailor our units and lessons to suit the needs of our individual learners, with the intent that every child is able to access the curriculum at the appropriate level, learning new knowledge and skills, allowing them to flourish and ‘let their light shine’.  

With that in mind, we believe that every child is an artist. Through our lessons we aim to engage, inspire and challenge pupils to create their own works of art, craft and design, applying all skills and knowledge that they develop over time during their learning journey with us. Progression in art is clearly mapped for each year group and we put emphasis on prior knowledge and learning to ensure that pupils are equipped with the appropriate skills to access the next steps in their art education, (e.g. colour, drawing, textiles, colour, creating ideas, printing, sculpture). Our aim is that they leave at the end of Key Stage Two with a wealth of new and transferrable skills that will further develop as they continue through the next phase of their educational journey.  Opportunity is key and our children really do deserve every chance to ‘let their light shine’.

Our art lessons are planned around half termly themes for each year group and are taught in conjunction with other subject areas, giving the children a wider understanding and adding more purpose and context to their art studies. Sketch books are used to develop ideas, record observations and to support the pupils to investigate, evaluate and analyse creative works, including those of great artists, craft makers and designers from history. Each year group will study a variety of artists over the year, exploring specific skills and techniques used by past and present artists.   


We want pupils to develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs.

Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as an Artist:

  • Wardrobe master
  • Curator
  • Author and illustrator
  • Furniture designer
  • Fashion designer

For more careers, please visit First Careers.

Our children will experience art through;

  • Learning about a focus artist/designer
  • Experimentation of techniques
  • Sculpture, textiles, painting, drawing, printing
  • Class discussions
  • Online research/learning opportunities
  • Cross curricular links

Our children’s artwork is assessed by;

  • Sketch book monitoring
  • Pupil interviews
  • Teacher judgement
  • Age related expectations
  • Children’s work in books


Through the explicit teaching of the Art & Design skills, both the teachers and the pupils assess their learning continuously throughout the units.  Our assessment systems enable teachers to make informed judgements about the depth of their learning and the progress they have made over time.  Impact will be demonstrated in the following ways:

      • Most children will reach age related expectations in Art & Design
      • Children will express their creativity through designing
      • Children will think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design