
Reading for Pleasure





“One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.”

Malala Yousafzai


Teachers recognise that a confident, fluent and coherent understanding of English will impact on a pupil’s progress, both inside and outside of the school environment.  Teachers understand how a strong grounding in English will impact the future learning and development of a pupil in all aspects of their life Therefore, a coherent, structured English curriculum is delivered that leads to sustained mastery for all and a greater depth of understanding for those who are capable.

At Knutton St Mary’s CE Academy, we aim to enable children to become not only able, confident readers, but to develop a love of reading which will stay with them for life.  We also strive to support our children in becoming enthusiastic writers who can write for a range of audiences and purposes, providing them with valuable life skills and enabling them to build aspirations for their future.

English at Knutton is based around quality texts that have been specifically chosen to engage, enthuse and entice children to want to read more.  Children are encouraged to read a range of different types of books in order for them to become confident readers and develop a life-long passion for books.

The development of speaking & listening skills and vocabulary knowledge is embedded across all subject areas to ensure that pupils become competent users of language, and can access the curriculum effectively in order to achieve their potential. Throughout all of our English teaching and across the curriculum, we aim to help our pupils become excellent communicators and provide a rich ‘cultural capital’ to increase children’s knowledge of the world and widen their vocabulary to make sense of their learning.



We want pupils to develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs.

Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as a Reader and Writer:

      • Publicity Assistant
      • Stage Director
      • Song Writer
      • Entertainment Manager
      • Social Media Consultant
      • Cartoonist

For more careers, please visit First Careers.


      • Children will achieve age related expectations, or make at least expected progress in reading and writing at the end of their cohort year.
      • Children will develop a love for reading and writing.
      • Children will have a sound understanding of spelling and grammar conventions.
      • Children will develop skills that are relevant in a real life context.
      • Children will talk about their reading and writing confidently and clearly.